• Look at the little secret of opening the bottle cap (Part 2)

Look at the little secret of opening the bottle cap (Part 2)

Look at the little secret of opening the bottle cap (Part 2)
Spoon to open the bottle cap
Method: Use a spoon to put it under the crown cap of the beer bottle, drag the spoon with one hand as the base point, and pry it down with the other hand, and the cap of the bottle can be opened.
Is it very practical? I believe many people will use this trick.
There is also a British man who uses a piece of ordinary A4 paper to pry open the cap of a beer bottle. This operation has been popular on the Internet for a long time.

lug cap (1)

A4 paper open bottle cap
Method: Fold a piece of white paper in half four times to form a strip, then fold the strip in half into a V shape;
Use the folded corners to align with the serrations under the beer bottle cap, and tilt it hard, the beer cap will be opened easily.
In fact, the pull ring of the can is broken. In addition to the above method of using chopsticks, a piece of A paper can also be easily opened~~
A4 paper open pop can
First, prepare a piece of paper, fold the paper in half repeatedly, and fold it as shown in the picture, and only one corner is very hard.
Then use the folded paper to rub the edge of the can opening back and forth with a little force, and the opening of the can will open after a while.
Principle: Paper friction causes the air pressure inside to rise, and the carbon dioxide inside will overflow in the form of vaporization under the pressure, and the upper cover will be pushed open naturally.
If you are a girl and you don’t want the can to ruin your nail art, you can use a coin to open it~~ Just put the coin behind the buckle of the can, and then gently push it up to open it.
With the above bottle opening skills, don't bite your teeth or knock on the edge of the table.

Post time: Jun-06-2023